Thursday, April 23, 2020

Injunction Essays - Intellectual Property Law, Trademark Dilution

Injunction CBS Broadcasting, Inc. v. VanityMail Services, Inc. Federal Trademark Infringement- Likelihood of Consumer Confusion (Lanham Act ?43(a)) a) Section 4 (a) provides that the plaintiff must prove the following: 1) that the defendant's domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the plaintiff has rights; and 2) the defendant has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and 3) the domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith. Under this section of the act, the court must first evaluate whether or not the defendant's domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the plaintiff has rights. In evaluating the likelihood of confusion, the court may look at a variety of factors. Some of these may include: similarity of sight, sound or meaning between marks, the strength of the plaintiff's mark, the defendant's intent or bad faith in adopting a similar mark, the proximity or relatedness of goods, instances of consumers' actual confusion, marketing channels, the sophistication of goods, and the likelihood of expansion. The marks in question are identical in sound, meaning and spelling. The plaintiff is the registered owner of the US service mark 48 Hours and device in Class 41 for television news program services. The defendant is the registered owner of They differ only in sight for the defendant's logo is featured in differing font and color from that of Plaintiff's. The strength of Plaintiff's mark is unquestionable. They have asserted 12 years of use of the 48 hours mark. Throughout the United States they have vast notoriety as a television news program. ?The more likely a mark is to be remembered and associated in the public mind with the mark's owner, the greater protection the mark is accorded by trademark laws.? (Kenner Parker Toys Inc. v. Rose Art Indus., Inc.,) In terms of the defendant's intent or bad faith, they were aware of the existence of the television news show prior to the conception of their 48 business plans. (This was declared by the admissions of the principals of VanityMail to having watched the plaintiff's news program.) With this information, they proceeded to register the mark. It is unclear as to what the defendant's intent was in choosing this domain name. None of their services relate to any 48-hour theme of any sort. There is no evidence of Defendant's bad faith in using the name. The proximity of the goods supplied by the two parties in question are worlds apart. The plaintiff supplies broadcasting services and promotional merchandise. The defendant provides yacht services. There are no reported instances of any actual consumer confusion. The plaintiff has not suffered any known damage due to Defendant's use of the mark. The two parties do share the same marketing channels. In, Inc., v. The Walt Disney Company, the plaintiff sought a preliminary injunction because Defendant's commercially used logo on the World Wide Web was remarkably similar to Plaintiff's. The court found that, ?the Web, as a marketing channel, is particularly susceptible to a likelihood of confusion since, ?it allows for competing marks to be encountered at the same time, on the same screen.? As for sophistication, any competent computer user may be able to access a web site. The GoTo case also found that ?Navigating amongst web sites involves practically no effort whatsoever, and arguments that Web users exercise a great deal of care before clicking hyperlinks is unconvincing.? The final issue of the likelihood of expansion may be addressed by the defendant's presently poster logo, which reads ?Coming Soon: A Unique Experience for Discerning Tastes.? Additionally, at the bottom of the screen, there is a notation stating ?Please direct any inquiries about our upcoming service to Obviously, the defendant does have plans for expansion of some sort. b) For the above-stated reasons, the plaintiff should not be granted preliminary injunction on the basis of this claim., Inc., v. The Walt Disney Company, found that use of remarkably similar trademarks on different web sites creates a likelihood of confusion amongst Web users.? Federal trademark infringement guidelines state that the plaintiff must establish all 3 requirements listed above. The plaintiff is able to